Communications & Branding
Rachel Cornelius, Director of Communications
The official Model Laboratory Schools colors are maroon and navy.
For digital use/screens (RGB) | For printing purposes on paper or apparel (CMYK) | |||
Hex Code | RGB | CMYK | Pantone | |
Maroon | #4C151E | 76, 21, 30 | 39, 91, 57, 37 | 209C |
Navy | #002060 | 0, 32, 96 | 100, 93, 31, 29 | 2758C |
Important note for color usage: When printing, use the CMYK codes. For digital use, use the Hex or RGB codes. If an external vendor requires a Pantone designation, refer them to Pantone 209C for maroon / Pantone 2758C for navy.
Click the above button for the comprehensive logo collection, available for download via Google Drive, including zipped Adobe Illustrator folders. Click any of the below links for a direct download link to the individual logo indicated.
The Model M Logo
District Logo - Model at EKU with Model M
Athletics Patriot M Logo (Athletic Use Only)
Use all assets and materials in compliance with branding guidelines when representing Model Laboratory Schools in print, digital media, or apparel.
Please contact Rachel Cornelius for additional information and assistance with your communications needs.